
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 363

Received: 18/01/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Martin & Claire Calkeld

Representation Summary:

Objection to site 13 for the loss of fields in the area and impact on transport infrastructure

Full text:

Please take this email as our strong objection to the new housing estate you propose to build on fields adjoining Woodlands Estate and the surrounding area.

We understand your need to build new houses but Shirley will have no green areas left, we will only be left with Shirley Park. Those fields are used by ourselves and many other dog walkers and is a beautiful area.

You have plans in place for 2550 new homes in south Shirley which seems a huge amount. The traffic is already at a standstill in the mornings trying to get towards the M42 on the Stratford road. Adding so many more houses will just cause even more chaos to the area.

This concentration of a development in such a small area will have major implications in terms of our local infrastructure, schools, health services and wider facilities.