
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3633

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Daniel Freville

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as development will be out of character and scale with the local area, the density amounts to overdevelopment and is likely to impact on surrounding residents, will reduce already overflowing car parking for Arden club causing chaos on surrounding roads already suffering from school parking, will exacerbate congestion on Sharmans Cross Road and at Streetsbrook Road junction, and worsen flooding during heavy rain.

Full text:

"LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18"
I live on Sharmans Cross Road and I understand there is a plan to build another 100 houses next to the tennis club on this road. Don't do this.

These 100 houses will completely spoil the character of our local area. 100 houses is 5 times the density of what is on our road and the surrounding roads such as Winterbourne Road at the back of the tennis club. I can only class this as an OVER DEVELOPMENT which is completely unacceptable. It is out of character in its appearance and also out of scale when compared to existing development in our neighbourhood. The new houses will most likely be more than two stories high leading to loss of light and overshadowing and also loss of privacy.

Where are all the cars currently parking in the Arden club meant to park? The club regularly has hundreds of people using the club on a daily basis and the current car park is overflowing already. If the parking is reduced it will be chaotic in the surrounding roads. Talking of which Sharmans Cross school has a hundreds of cars parking on Sharmans Cross road twice a day which is just one big traffic jam. Adding another 100 homes each with an average of 2 cars each will just make the vicinity even more chaotic. You cannot even get out of Sharmans cross road in the mornings without having to wait 20 minutes at the junction of Streetsbrook road. I don't know how anyone will ever get out of the Arden club with all the extra development?

Have you considered how Sharmans Cross road is going to cope during heavy rain? Currently the road already gets flooded when we have heavy rain, and adding more houses will only worsen this problem.

I strongly urge you to resist this futile development plan. It's a complete non-starter and should be rejected with no grounds for appeal.