
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3647

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Emma & Marc Lorne

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 9 and relocation of Arden school as will destroy the semi rural environment and local community, school does not need redevelopment, and there are more appropriate areas for modern housing such as Dickens Heath.

Full text:

Housing development in Knowle & moving of Arden school

I am emailing to air my views as a local resident on the proposals to build new houses in Knowle and to re- site Arden school.

My husband and I are extremely opposed to the plans which involve site 9 being developed for housing.

We enjoy living in a semi rural environment and believe the extra housing would destroy the local community and drastically change the area in a very negative way.

We have young children at local schools and are very pleased with Arden school and do not see any need for this to be redeveloped or moved from its current position!

I do hope that you will take into consideration the views of residents.

If new housing is required perhaps alternative sites for this could be considered -for example Dickens Heath which would be a more appropriate area to site modern homes as they would be more in keeping with the area.