
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3649

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Lesley Nightingale

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as green belt has already been significantly eroded through creation of Dickens Heath, will result in loss of semi rural gaps between settlements, will put massive pressure on schools and medical services already in high demand, will add further traffic and pedestrians to already congested area that suffers frequent accidents with dangerous roads and junctions especially around Whitlocks End station, will result in loss of wildlife habitats and increased risk of flooding, loss of recreational areas essential for health and well-being, and there are brownfield sites, such as NEC that should be developed instead.

Full text:

I would like to register my objection to the proposed building of houses on allocation 4 and 13, Dickens Heath.

The extensive building that has already taken place in creating the semi rural village of Dickens Heath has already eroded the green belt to such an extent.

To continue to build in theses areas, the semi rural villages of Dickens Heath, Cheswick Green, Tidbury Green and Majors Green will be no more, there will just be a huge housing estate, making a less enjoyable area to reside.

There will be a massive impact on resources within the area. For example, school places, in particular Secondary schools are in high demand. There is not enough adequate schooling to support future generations. Local Doctors surgeries are already stretched to the limit as are other health services; dentists and the local hospital.

Traffic though Majors Green has increased since the development of Dickens Heath and the expansion of Whitlock End train station to the point that Haslucks Green road is very dangerous. There has been an obscene amount of accidents within a short period of time, many cars leaving the road. . Bromsgrove council has taken action to make Haslucks Green Road safer by the way of an anti slip surface and further road signs. However, where the Haslucks Green Road crosses into Solihull Borough, no action has been taken. The junction with Bills Lane is incredibly dangerous and can not take further traffic. Within the last few weeks two cars have left the road, gone across pavements and ended up in hedges. It is only a matter of time before a pedestrian is killed. Adding further traffic and pedestrians to an already very dangerous road is irresponsible.

There is a huge impact on an environmental issue, to an area that has already suffered massively. The proposed building site are a haven for wildlife providing homes for many species of wild flower and animals. We are all too aware of the impact of taking away their environment. Recent reports have highlighted the importance of the honey bee within our farming business and the massive loss of their habitat has already had a detrimental effect on their survival and our future farming production.

There area is also prone to flooding due to the massive development that has already taken place.

The proposed sites provide invaluable space the future generations who already have a lack of open space. The younger generations needed such areas as these to experience fresh air, the countryside and learn to appreciate nature and wildlife. These spaces are essentenial for health and well being of all within the area, providing an area to escape to from everyday stresses and areas exercise.

I appreciated additional housing is required, but ask you to resconsider the the use of allocation 4 and 13 for this purpose. The impact of the health and welling of residents, the already strechted to the limit health providers, lack of schooling available for future generations, the dangerous roads that will become condsiderabkt worse and the impact on the environment and wildlife will be massive.

There are brown field sites within Solihull borough that can be redeveloped. There are landscaped sites that are surely a better prospect for development . There is no need to develop common meadow/ fields and green belt land.

Please seriously reconsider the proposed development of the natural beauty allocation 4 and 13 and look to develop /improve already developed/ landscaped sites of which I'm sure there are many within Solihull borough , for instance, NEC