
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3653

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Richard Young

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as the pitches have been an important sporting facility for the local area and should be retained and offered at affordable cost, would exacerbate traffic congestion and pollution, will add to pressure on local services such as doctors, density and type of development proposed is out of keeping with area and will impact surrounding residents, and any removal of natural and mature woodland around the site will result in loss of wildlife.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18 - Sharmans Cross Development Plans

I am aware of a development plan for the Sharmans Cross rugby fields and tennis club and I would like to note my objections for the following reasons:

1. The rugby fields have been an important sporting facility to the local area for many years and I would wish to see that sports can continue to be played on these fields in the future. I believe many youth sports teams would like to play on these fields but are unable to afford the costs that have charged.

2. I am very concerned about the increased levels of traffic that would be joining Sharmans Cross Road and potentially other roads in the area, that such a development would bring. These roads are already at times congested, and such a development would only bring further congestion and pollution to this area.

3. Such a development would put additional pressure on local services such as doctors surgeries where there are already long waiting times for appointments.

4. I believe that the type of housing that is being proposed and in particular the density of this housing is not in keeping with the local area, and also may require more than two story buildings which would lead to privacy issues and loss of light for local residents.

4. I would be extremely concerned about any removal of natural and mature woodland around the site as this has been an important habitat for wildlife.

I trust that you will consider my objections in any decision making process that will take place on this development.