
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3657

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: R Courtney

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as density proposed is too high and will exacerbate parking problems and flood risk, increased traffic will exacerbate traffic congestion on road and at junction with Streetsbrook Road often gridlocked, impact on road safety and levels of pollution, and should be retained for sports use as originally dedicated as few pitches in Solihull and should be encouraging participation in sporting activities.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I believe the proposal to develop 100 dwellings on the former rugby ground to be wholly unacceptable with 3 main objections.

1) Too high a density - The land even including the current Solihull Arden club is not large enough to accommodate 100 properties which will inevitably be built to a very high density and will therefore lead to many other problems. Where will 100+ cars go especially when the Arden club parking will still need to be provided for. This will lead to increased parking on surrounding rounds especially Sharmans Cross which already suffers from parking issues. The high density build will also contribute to the flooding risk which as a local resident I can confirm is a real problem during periods of heavy rain which we are increasingly getting year after year. When I purchased my property on Winterbourne rd the searches indicated that the area is a flood risk, having a sports field where rain can soak away is much better than 99% hard surfaces where the water will run off and flood elsewhere!
2) Increased traffic - 100 dwellings will bring a large number of extra vehicles which will have a serious effect on the safety on the road safety and levels of pollution in the local area. Sharmans cross is already a dangerous road with a difficult junction with Streetsbrook that is very often gridlocked. The levels of pollution are also already very high in the local area, I would challenge anyone from Solihull council to come and walk with me along Sharmans cross road and tell me that they cannot smell and taste the pollution in the air, if you bring another 100+ diesel cars to the area it is going to make the pollution even worse. Road safety will also be significantly affected especially as the parking problems on Sharmans cross road will be worsened.
3) Land is for Sports use - We already have very few sports pitches in Solihull. We should be encouraging people to take part in sporting activities rather than taking away facilities. Once gone they will not be replaced. I believe the land was dedicated to sports use and should remain so.

I base my opinions and objections as someone whose property will not be directly affected by the proposed development, my objection is solely based on the effect to the local area and residents as a whole.