
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3659

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Evans

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as will exacerbate already considerable traffic volumes on Haslucks Green Road coming from Dickens Heath especially at peak times. Should consider residents of established settlements by re-routing traffic through less populated areas.

Full text:

My Wife and I are residents of Majors Green we live on Haslucks Green Road in between Cambria Close and Rushleigh Road. we have lived there for over 40 years and have noticed the traffic volume has increased considerably since Dickens Heath Estate has been built. we are very concerned at what levels the traffic volume will increase with the proposed extra housing. At certain times of the day we have to wait some considerable time to get off our drive because of the amount of vehicles coming from Dickens Heath direction, so it is only going to get more intolerable for the residents of Majors Green. Do Councils and Planning departments never consider residents of other established areas, could you not divert traffic through a less populated area to ease the situation.