
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3662

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Sandra & Andrew Campbell

Representation Summary:

Object to huge scale of housing growth proposed for 4 sites in South Shirley, which will have negative effect on community, result in loss of green space, and have detrimental impact on local roads, schools and medical services.

Full text:

New Housing Developments in Shirley

We write to express my concern at the plans to build new homes on four sites in Shirley. As residents of Shirley we are concerned at the negative impact the huge scale of these developments will have on our community. Aside from the loss of green space we are concerned at the impact of the four new housing estates will have on the local roads and detrimental impact on local schools and doctors.

Whilst we appreciate that Solihull Council has targets for house building, Shirley cannot cope with the huge scale of the proposed developments. We have never before written to object to any new developments, but we feel very strongly about this issue. We hope you will give serious consideration to our concerns and those of many other local residents before making decision that will have such a detrimental impact on our lives.