
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3672

Received: 16/02/2017


Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 12 as inappropriate location for growth better close to HS2 Interchange and on brownfield land, area has already taken significant development with Dickens Heath, will have significant negative effect on residents, wildlife, trees and greenery, will increase volume, noise and danger of traffic on Haslucks Green Road in area subject to speeding, accidents, road rage incidents, additional people unlikely to walk to station due to poor quality pavements and increased parking, results in loss of countryside and rural walking areas, will increase pressure on overburdened schools and medical services, and will adversely affect property values.

Full text:

To whom it may concern,

(Our home Hasluck's Green Road, Majors Green, B90 1DS)

I would like you to acknowledge our households objection to the proposition for housing development in the Majors Green area and those close by.

(Allocation 4 - 700 houses Whitlock's End/Majors Green)
(Allocation 13 - 600 houses South West Shirley Heath)
(Allocation 12 - 850 houses Dog Kennel Lane)
(Allocation 11 - 400 houses Dog Kennel Lane)

The report makes a lot of references to the benefits to the borough from HS2 interchange at the airport but Shirley will be one of the worst places to get to the new station, areas more appropriate and are more of a natural access point are to the east and north of the borough, these will not need to contend with the already congested A34 and M42.

We feel if building new houses on this proposed sites went ahead it would have a significant negative impact on not only our lives but other local residents as well as the damage to the local wildlife, trees, greenery etc. and our way of life.

Having grown up in from Wythall and moving to Majors Green 2.5years ago - we have seen a significant erosion to our countryside and rural feel of the area. With Dickens Heath having a huge impact, then other smaller developments followed, Shirley redevelopment being most recent.

The building of these houses as noted above would only cause a further increase on the issues we are current dealing with locally. Issues include;

- Volume Traffic along Haslucks Green Road, Majors Green end

- Speed of traffic on Haslucks Green Road Majors Green end. No active monitoring, average speed check areas (like some areas of Solihull have) - we are in a no-mans land here as we do not come under Solihull council?! we pay council tax to Bromsgrove (historical boundary change in the 1970's hence we retain the B90 postcode and not B47 etc.))

- Car mounting pavements and accidents. Hasluck's Green Road, Majors Green End. Notorious bad bends. (Resurfacing only finally conducted after a lady was struck on the pavement) I have witnessed over 30 cars mount the pavement. and numerous bumps. Road rage incidents and horns at locals driving on and off driveways are a regular occurrence. New signage too bright and dazzling can't read at night - so not slowing people down) waiting for a fatal accident. I think police when attending one of the accidents here said that you need three deaths before major work would be done?! more traffic would increase this danger. Resident property, fences, walls, cars have been damaged.

- Poor pavements. Have you tried to push a pram or walk a dog to Whitlocks end station from Haslucks green road?! crossing the road, narrow broken pavements, speeding cars dangerous. We have an older community here aswell and many i would think rely on transport links etc. but it wouldn't be safe for them to walk to the station around here. By building more houses this would increase traffic which would be disastrous and potentially fatal. As we live on the border will our pathways and safety be thought of. As our bend is dangerous now.

- Traffic noise has got worse following the Shirley development and increased free parking area at Whitlocks end station. The council don't want you to walk there but drive!! maybe thats why they didn't make the paths safe? beats the object of getting people to get fitter and less fat and save the environment by leaving your car at home. Again increasing houses and population in the local areas would impact this.

- Countryside and rural way of life being slowly eroded. Countryside walks are just a thing of the past as walking down the lanes isn't really safe anymore. The wildlife and greenery will disappear, build on this land now and then run out and need more in the future? - is there no houses or already built on areas that need regeneration rather than use green space.

- Doctors surgery and local schools. The local doctors surgery are so stretched from talking to other locals and receptionists. In some cases i have known people be sent to walk in centres? as the local surgery can't cope. More people will make this more an issue.

- Will this impact our house prices? as we were first time buyers and have saved so hard to buy our home, and to live in this area can be so expensive - are we now going to suffer? and not be able to sell our house if this houses are built? as i will want to move for the safety of my family, but will i be priced out of the area?
Will our concerns be noted as we don't actually live in a Solihull council postcode or not taken into account? even though all this is happening on our doorstep?

Please take our concerns into account.

Many thanks for reading our email - apologies for the rant, we have only found out about this from a flyer in the mail!