
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3677

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs V Higgins

Representation Summary:

Object to housing in Balsall Common as green belt in Meriden Gap when growth should be on brownfield sites near good transport links and other infrastructure saving green belt for future generations, and village has inadequate centre with poor and insufficient parking.

Full text:

As someone who has lived in Balsall Common/Berkswell most of my life and have seen the area change beyond recognition...50years ago Balsall had a wide variety of independent shops where you could buy just about the choice consists of estate agents, hairdressers and four small supermarkets this hardly attracts residents into the centre.....oh yes, the parking....or lack of it....echelon parking would save people reversing cars into each other.
Balsall Common and Berkswell is in the Green Belt in the vital Meriden Gap...this is being eroded by house building on Green Belt, HS2 with all its infrastructure, nearby Birmingham Airport. If an individual wishes to make changes to their property they are reminded that they are in the green belt.
Yes, people need houses, but ideally on brownfield sites near to good transport links without having to build new roads, schools,doctors etc.
Therefore saving the Green Belt for future generations to enjoy.