
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3679

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Colin Thompson

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as the site includes flood plain and sports fields, the rural highway infrastructure is unsuitable and in urgent need of repair, will exacerbate already heavy traffic congestion and unclear whether any traffic impact analysis undertaken, lack of new schools and medical practices to serve new residents, no details of pedestrian routes, need to review new road structure/lights for station car park extension in context of growth proposals and liaise with Bromsgrove over Tilehouse Lane/Haslucks Green Road junction improvements, and should build on brownfield rather than green field land.

Full text:

I have made an observation on the Draft Local Plan and sharing with you my objections to these plans as follows;

 The proposals are to build on flood plain/sports fields/and the roads are all country lanes, why?
 The traffic congestion is very heavy at present, what will happen if you build more homes? As there been an impact analysis on traffic congestion?
 Where is the proposal for new schools/GP practises if your proposal is successful?
 Where are the walk ways/pavements in these proposals?
 The extension to Whitlock's End Station for a further 261 cars is being implemented in 2017 so there will be further cars using the roads around the station. Plus, the plans include a new road structure with islands/traffic lights. It is a matter of urgency the Council view these new plans as they will impact on the `total area`.
 Also, are you in communication with Bromsgrove Council who have plans for an island at Tilehouse Lane/Haslucks Green Road junction?
 All the roads in this area are country lanes that are in need of urgent repair, so why are you not repairing the present road infrastructure first?
 My suggestion is build on brown field sites first, there are plenty to choose from without building on green field sites.

I would welcome your reply.

Please confirm receipt of this communication.

Thank you in anticipation.

Kind regards