
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3681

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Paula Price

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as road network inadequate to cope with existing traffic and Haslucks Green Road suffers from speeding traffic and frequent accidents and additional housing will increase volume of traffic significantly putting safety of local residents at risk, Whitlocks End park and ride already full and public transport inadequate, area has taken significant growth in Dickens Heath and Shirley, increased pollution and health risks, loss of sports pitches used by active clubs and parkland/recreational areas and unclear these will be replaced adequately.

Full text:

Response to Solihull Draft Local Plan!
We moved to Majors Green in January 2017 from the busy residential area of Sheldon to hopefully experience a more idyllic lifestyle with views of the countryside. Our property does in fact look over open fields a natural wildlife habitat and where Site A is proposed. The properties are priced accordingly because of this privilege and the development will no doubt have an impact on local property prices. There has already been a lot of building development in the Dickens Heath area and Shirley Park Gate so this proposal as come as quite a shock to all the local residents what happened to the 'leafy suburbs of Solihull' I have detailed the issues with traffic in my objection below which is my main concern but there is also the risk of increased pollution from this extent of housing and the health implications this can bring on. There are three local football clubs which stand to be affected by the proposed building what will happen to them? There are regular matches played there by younger leagues are we not being encouraged to keep children more active. More and more parkland and recreational areas are being taken away. Although new sporting facilities have been mentioned in the proposal will this be open field areas or in the form of a purpose built building to which we already have Tudor Grange Sports Centre, Virgin Active and David Lloyd!
My initial impressions on moving to the Majors Green area was how the Roads did not seem adequate to cope with the volume of traffic going through the area with the already overcrowded and very built up Dickens Heath plus the traffic from the surrounding Shirley areas. Our property is situated on a particularly bad bend of Haslucks Green Road our neighbours have told us of the many accidents that have occurred over the years and since moving here we been unfortunate to witness a number of RTAs which have resulted in the erection of Bollards, sharp bend warning signs and the recent introduction of an anti skid surface. Making the Road look like a black spot danger zone! All of which are yet to make a difference to the number of accidents still happening from Haslucks Green Road to the proposed new housing area. We can often hear the speeding traffic and sometimes wait with baited breathe expecting to hear a crash the roads are dark and narrow and the speeding signs are not adhered to! This will only be heightened with the increased volume of traffic should the proposal go ahead 600 + 700 = 1300 x an average of 2 cars per household = 2600 extra cars adding to the daily traffic plus visitors to the area. The car park is already full daily at Whitlocks End station and the public transport is inadequate in Dickens Heath to get commuters to Solihull the residents will have to use their vehicles or go on foot which brings it own risks with the darkened roads and narrow footpaths, only last year a car mounted the pavement and knocked a lady over breaking both her legs it is only a matter of time before tragically somebody is killed. By allowing this proposal to go ahead you are putting the safety of all the local residents in more jeopardy!