
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3682

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr D Tabb

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 4 as area has taken massive development at Dickens Heath plus housing estates in Tidbury Green and totally wrong and unfair to propose more, there are many sites that need redevelopment rather than building on green belt land that is vital for wildlife.

Full text:

Dear Solihull planning,
After reviewing the proposed planning for building new houses in our area I can't believe your are considering building more by Majors Green after the massive development of Dickens Heath. There are currently several major building projects in the immediate area with Dickens Heath expanding massively and another large housing estate being built on green belt land in Tidbury Green. Its totally wrong for our area to have to put up with any more. There are lots of other sites that need redevelopment rather than destroying the green belt that is vital for wildlife and our health. This is totally unfair and must be stopped.