
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3688

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: David Chamberlin

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as density is excessive, out of character with surrounding area, will have detrimental affect of privacy, noise and traffic and should be reduced, will exacerbate congestion on Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road already subject to gridlock at peak times and which displaces traffic on to other roads, increased traffic will endanger pedestrians and school children, will exacerbate already chaotic parking at peak times and when events take place, will impact on oversubscribed schools and medical services, will worsen flooding problems, and any potential access to Winterbourne Road would cause traffic chaos in residential roads.

Full text:

Sharmans Cross Housing Development - LDP / Proposed Housing allocation 18

I am writing to express my total opposition to the proposal to build 100 houses on the site of the former rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. The grounds for my objection are as follows: -

1. The excessive density of housing that such a development would create, totally out of character with surrounding housing development.
2. The likelihood that such an intensive development will be detrimental to existing housing in respect of privacy, noise and increased traffic flows.
3. A development of this size will inevitability significantly increase congestion on Sharmans Cross Rd, which already experiences gridlock in the rush hour. This in turn will add to the existing congestion on Streetsbrook Rd at peak times. This congestion has already resulted in Dorchester Rd becoming a high speed rat-run at these times.
4. The increased traffic flows moving in/out of the new site will be a very real danger to pedestrians, particular children and parents going to/from Sharman's Cross Junior School.
5. A development of this scale will inevitably require significant parking space and / or on street parking. Parking is already chaotic at peak times and when school and sporting events are taking place.
6. The development will impact on other existing infrastructure - schools, medical centres, which are already over-subscribed.
7. The area suffers from an existing flooding problem. A substantial increase in hard areas will inevitably worsen this problem and its attendant drainage and sewage problems.
8. I would add that any attempt to access this proposed site from Winterbourne Road would have similarly detrimental effects and produce traffic chaos in Winterbourne, Beaminster and Dorchester roads, as well as having a huge detrimental environmental impact on these roads and their residents.
In conclusion, I would add that I fully understand the LDP's requirement to meet Central Government's housing targets. I would, therefore, have no objection to a more modest development of say 20-30 houses, which would avoid many of the detrimental impacts of the existing proposal.