
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3692

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: A J Edgeworth

Representation Summary:

Object to proposals for 2,500 new houses in South Shirley as area already suffers from loss of green belt and extra congestion from Dickens Heath, will result in additional pollution from vehicles when we should be reducing harm to health, road infrastructure in area will be unable to cope with extra traffic, significant development is already taking place in Earlswood area, and there must be brownfield and green field sites elsewhere that can take a share.

Full text:

Green Belt Annihilation

This plan to build two & a half thousand new houses in an area already suffering from the Dickens Heath development in terms of loss of green belt land and extra road congestion in this area is preposterous. The 700 site adjoining Dickens Heath village looks as if it will mean losing several football pitches , including Highgate United and Leafield Athletic.

All this at a time when we are hearing daily about the harm to our health caused by pollution from the increasing numbers of vehicles on the roads of this country and the number of children who are suffering from obesity caused partly by not taking part in physical activities such as football, rugby, cricket etc.

I have lived in Bills Lane for over 30 years and the traffic here has got worse and worse, especially in the last 10 years. How this road and all the others in this vicinity are going to cope I dread to think.

Just a few miles from here in Earlswood there are several big building sites on green fields already being developed. The infrastructure is not there for the extra traffic to join the huge numbers already heading to Shirley , Solihull and Birmingham.

Surely there must be brown field and green sites elsewhere in the Borough that could be used for building a share of these 2,500 new dwellings.