
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 370

Received: 20/01/2017

Respondent: Mr Christopher Hall

Representation Summary:

site 18 comment

Full text:

The rising levels of obesity and associated health problems such as diabetes are putting an enormous strain on the National Health Service and Solihull Social Services.
Evidence of the huge health benefit of exercise - even small amounts - is increasing every year.
The national and local cost of poor health due to a sedentary lifestyle is rising exponentially and yet this issue seems to have been largely ignored in the draft local plan (December 2016).
Indeed, it is even suggested that the Arden Sports Club in Sharmans Cross Road, that currently provides keep fit classes, squash courts, a gym and tennis courts, should be pulled down to build houses.
It is also proposed that the playing fields in Sharmans Cross Road are destroyed. These playing fields are not being used at the moment and the Council should buy the lease back from Oakmoor so that proper use of this scarce resource, so important for the health of future generations, can be planned.
We need to drastically increase the number of playing fields and sports facilities and the Council, in conjunction with the NHS, should be proactively seeking ways to address the ticking time bomb of obesity.
The plan to remove sports facilities, at a time when we should be increasing such provision, is totally irresponsible.
Everyone recognises the need for extra housing in the West Midlands but it is reckless to remove playing fields and sports facilities when there are large areas of brown field sites in Birmingham that are not designated by Birmingham Council for housing.