
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3721

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Raphala Holdgate

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as results in loss of playing field, when more facilities for recreation required, demand for pitches at affordable rent, density much higher and unsuitable in area and high rise will impact on surrounding residents, schools and medical facilities already stretched and additional residents will make worse with some facilities well away and accessible by car only, will exacerbate traffic congestion, risk of accidents and pollution on Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Road, and parking problems around site and reduce safety of school children.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

This letter is to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:
Permanent loss of playing field - Solihull needs more, not less playing fields for recreation therefore any building application to build on them should be rejected especially when there are local clubs that want to use this field, and would use it if the rent was affordable. The builder says the field has not been used for six years but I think this is only because the rent asked is so far out of the reach of any local club, reportedly up to £60,000p.a. In the builders application there is only a woolly reference at the end of the report (para 5.27) saying 'there is potential for contributions towards sports provision'. That does not sound very strong and cannot be relied on.
The concentration of housing being proposed is much higher than the neighbouring areas and is therefore not suitable on this plot. To get all the homes in, it seems inevitable that there will be some quite high buildings which is also out of line with the immediate and wider surrounding area. That will reduce the standard of living of those in the area, especially those backing onto and very close to the site.

The impact on the infrastructure of this development especially the schools and doctors but also the roads. The waiting time for doctors appointments is already long and schools are stretched. Apart form the junior school the other schools are quite a long way away, that will mean more school run traffic in an area that is already very busy with school run cars.

Traffic on Streetsbrook Road into Solihull is already bad in rush hours, this development can only make things worse and increase pollution. There have been accidents at the junction of Streetsbrook Road and Sharmans Cross Road where four roads intersect in a very small area, more traffic can only make this worse.
The houses only have one parking bay each. I think this will cause a problem as families have more than one car and they and their visitors will have to park on Sharmans Cross Road. That will slow down the traffic on Sharmans Cross Road which is bad enough without parked cars on it, especially at rush hour.
There will be a lot off cars coming and going from the estate at rush hours, this will make it a lot less safe for the school children going to the Junior school near to the development, as the cars will cross the pavement when they come and go.