
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3722

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Martin Jones

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion and pollution on Sharmans Cross Road especially at peak times, increase danger to cyclists and worsen flooding, does not meet accessibility criteria, and is designated for sports purposes and should be retained for use.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Development 18 - Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull

Please accept this correspondence as my objection to the proposed housing development.
I have numerous concerns regarding the proposal to build 100 new houses on the site off Sharmans Cross Road, which is currently a rugby club and playing fields.
Building the number of new houses being proposed will obviously have the result of increasing traffic on to Sharmans Cross Road, which is already busy - particularly between the hours of 7.45am and 9.00am as it leads to Sharmans Cross Junior School and is a route to the nearby train station and to Solihull town centre. This road is also a designated cycle route, and the increase in traffic will lead to an increased danger to the cyclists, not to mention the inevitable detrimental effect to the level of pollution.
In addition, this road is also well known to flood during periods of heavy rain, and this proposed development can only worsen this.
As I understand it, the National Planning Policy Framework stipulates that developments have access to local amenities with 800 metres (a 10 minutes' walk). The site for this proposed development does not meet these criteria, as it is in fact some 1700 metres from the town centre in Solihull and 1000 metres from the nearest train station.
I further understand that this proposed site was to be used for SPORT purposes only, therefore, it is clear that the building of 100 houses is NOT acceptable and the proposal should be firmly rejected.