
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3726

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Robert & Marilyn Williams

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 due to loss of sporting facilities in an area of shortage, cost of replacement facilities, impact on environment and TPOs, failure to meet accessibility criteria, policy to retain for sports use only, and development having previously been refused.

Full text:

Development Of 100 House Sharmans Cross Road / Rugby Ground

1. Loss of sporting facilities, our understanding is there already a shortage within Solihull and SMBC has a statutory requirement to ensure lost facilities are replaced. But at who's cost.
2. This area of Solihull has many mature trees with TREE PRESEVATIONS ORDERS and is highly valued for its environmental benefits.
3. Our understanding is that proposed development does not fall within the NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY for having access to local amenities, whereas the existing area/amenities do.
4. In 2013 SMBC formally minuted its policy with regards to the use of the grounds only for sport, which implies that this proposed development on this site should not be considered and is inappropriate. Our understanding is that applications for development on this site have previously been refused and withdrawn. So this application should also be refused.

We trust you will give due and proper attention to our OBJECTIONS and not allow this development to happen, not only for ourselves but other local residents who also have OBJECTIONS.