
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3731

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Martin Painter

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as South Shirley has already lost a significant percentage of its green areas to development with more in pipeline, and would result in loss of semi-rural environment undermining improvements to area.

Full text:

Objection re Allocation 13
Please take this email as an objection about the proposal to build residential dwelling on allocation 13 in South Shirley. Whilst I understand the need to fulfil housing quotas and targets, South Shirley has lost a significant % of its green areas to residential housing developments with more and more being planned in the future.

Shirley has gone from being one of the poorer relations in the Solihull borough to, through mainly the development of Parkgate, a thriving, buzzing community that we as residents feel proud to live in. It has, so far, managed to create an environment that feels both cosmopolitan in places but also semi-rural in others with the perfect mix of housing, shops, restaurants and greenery. It would be such a shame now to ruin what has become a much sought after location to live and work in.