
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3750

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Adam Hughes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing on Site 13 as insufficient infrastructure to support huge increase in road users, will exacerbate severe congestion on A34 and local residential roads, results in loss of existing local amenities with no proposals for replacement, area lacks employment for additional residents and schools and medical facilities inadequate, and will damage environment through impact on wildlife, air quality and water table.

Full text:

> re: Allocation 13 - Shirley development plans
> Please accept this email as my formal objection to the development plans for Shirley.
> My objections are based upon the following points:
> Insufficient infrastructure to support the huge increase in road users created by the development. This includes severe congestion to local residential roads as well as insufficient capacity of trunk routes including the A34 Stratford Road.
> Removal of existing local amenities and no projection of how they will either be relocated or accommodated on an appropriate scale.
> The impact on the local economic stability with a lack of local jobs, and the impact on existing property value.
> Lack of facilities to support such a large increase in population including schooling, and health care.
> Environmental impact of removing such a large green space, impact on local nature, air quality, water table.
> I wish for these points to be taken into consideration, and to be informed of actions taken to address these points.