
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3752

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mike Clapham

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion caused by local school, result in more parking due to loss of facilities for Arden club, will increase danger to cyclists, children and parents and from transport services, density is much higher than surroundings, will increase already high pressure on schools and medical facilities with no provision to expand, result in loss of local sports facilities contrary to recognition of need to increase health and fitness, does not meet accessibility criteria in NPPF, and Council should maintain policy to restrict use and not sell freehold.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I wish to make some objections to the proposed development on Sharmans Cross Road.

1. Affect on traffic along Sharmans Cross. There is currently a primary school and at the start and end of the school day there is considerable congestion along the road. An additional 100 homes will increase the congestion - due to decrease in parking spaces for the tennis club and the poor provision for parking spaces within the development 9 which will increase the on road parking). This will increase the risk of a fatality amongst the children and parents associated with the school. It will also make safe access for public services and transport along the road much more hazardous.
2. This will bring increased risk to cyclists using the designated cycle route.
3. The proposed level of development is much in excess of the current neighbourhood.
4. There is already high pressure on the local infrastructure, such as schooling and medical facilities, and there does not seem to be any provision to increase these appropriately.
5. This will result in a permanent loss of local sporting facilities and is in direct opposition to the national push to increase the health and fitness of the population.
6. This development is further from local amenities than is recommended by the National Planning Policy Framework.
7. Finally In 2013 SMBC minuted that they would not sell the freehold to grounds set only for sport.