
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3753

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Harry March

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as land used for walking and recreation, would destroy semi-rural character and varied bird and wildlife.

Full text:

Allocation 13 Objection

I am writing to express my objection to the council's proposed building development on 'Allocation 13'. Like many others, I enjoy walking on this piece of land on a weekly basis and have done so for many years. Amongst it's many aspects of natural beauty, the area is particularly synonymous with it's unique birdsong soundscape. In the event of the proposed building work being given the green light, this birdsong would surely be lost forever which would be desperately sad for both present and future generations.

As such, I have composed the following short poem. I hope that whilst lighthearted in tone, you will take the time to read the words carefully and understand fully the ramifications that proceeding with this ill-conceived housing development will have.

The Birdsong Fields

Dearly beloved, let us bow our heads in respect to the Robins requiem
A mournful melody he's composed to mark his malady
For soon silence will fall from whence it stems
Upon the arrival of the construction cavalry

Sweet lovers, pause awhile for a chorus or two from the Crows concerto
A soulful song penned in response to her imposed affliction
In time it will be replaced by the builders crescendo
A sorry consequence of her premature eviction

Ardent ramblers, hear a snippet from the Swallows symphony
It's a truthful tune, his parting gift to this here parish
Another poor victim of the housing industry
His song like these fields, set to vanish

Devout dog walkers, lend an ear for the Blackbird's ballad
A rueful rhapsody that warns of an irreversible mistake
To tarnish this space that is verdant and placid
For an ill-conceived housing estate

Remarkable pensioners, care for an excerpt from the Warblers waltz?
A poetic piece, written for those, like you, who come to roam
It is these very fields that inspire her exalts
Fields that she too, calls home

Innocent children, gather round now for the Turtledoves theme,
It's a danceable ditty devised especially with you in mind
These fields are your future, a space to climb and dream
A place that once gone, can't be re-designed

Valued congregation, give thanks for these songs of harmony & peace
Marvel at the beauty with which they are performed
For a building site will surely cause them to cease
Leaving this great concert hall irreparably transformed

H. S. March

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.