
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3754

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Malcolm Trueman

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as development out of character with local area and density and impact on neighbouring properties inappropriate, will compound existing congestion and air pollution problems with gridlock at peak times, increase risk of danger to children discouraging parents from allowing walking to school with impacts on health, will lead to deterioration in services as schools and medical services already oversubscribed, results in loss of sporting facilities when covenant restricting to sports use exists and local participation low, importance of pitches for health and well-being, loss of green space, wildlife habitats and increased risk of flooding.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18

I wish to record my objection to the LDP Proposed Housing Development 18.

1. The proposal is completely out of character with the the local area and the density is totally inappropriate. The proposal is unacceptable and will result in loss of privacy and overshadowing to existing properties.
2. The increase in traffic that would arise from the proposed plan for 100 houses, on the reasonable assumption of 2 cars per household, will compound existing local road gridlock and air pollution problems particularly at peak times including school drop and collection times, post school trips, early morning and early evening commuter times. The increased risk of accident and risk to health, especially children travelling to Sharmans Cross School can not be ignored and their welfare should receive greater emphasis. The potential risk of children being withdrawn from taking their independent and unaccompanied walks to school because of fears from parents of the introduction of new roads (in to and out of the new estate) must not be compromised especially with national concerns over child obesity, diabetes and other health conditions. We must support all initiatives to encourage children to exercise not discourage or put barriers in their way.
3. The demand for school places and the pressure on GP services, hospitals and other infrastructure are already oversubscribed and overstretched and it therefore raises questions about the effect extra demand will place on them. The proposal will potentially lead to a further deterioration of service levels.
4. The loss of sporting facilities is unacceptable. As there is a covenant on the land which covers its use for sporting use only, this must be given priority. Solihull's record for participation in sport is extremely worrying compared to national figures and an investment in, not an erosion of facilities must be supported. Health and well being are key considerations which the Council must encourage and promote not in words but actions. It is a travesty that the pitches have remained unused for so long despite there being a number of clubs with genuine interest in utilising them. The question of commitment to health and well being again is raised.
5. The destruction of the green land that would occur if the proposal were agreed would increase eve more the extent of flooding which we see on Sharmans Cross Road whenever there is heavy rain. The road simply cannot cope with this at present.
6. In addition, the destruction of the green land will destroy the habitat of the local wildlife, both prey and predators.