
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3755

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Sahad Zaman

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion especially at Streetsbrook Road junction, cause health and safety concerns around school, be danger to pedestrians and school children, density of development too high and out of character with surroundings, there are insufficient playing fields and green space and area should be protected.

Full text:

I write to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby club grounds at the rear of 31-35 Sharmans Cross Road Solihull.
I have lived in Solihull for 9 years and I have noticed significant traffic in the morning and evening outside this section of Sharmans Cross Road. There is significant congestion around Sharmans Cross Road and Streetbrook/ Dorchester Road.
There are already schools, on Sharmans cross road and heavy commuter traffic is adding to the congestion. A further 100 houses will cause health safety concerns.
I would think this traffic will cause danger to pedestrians/ school children. The level of homes being considered is disproportionately too high for the area available. The character of the area and surrounding houses will be destroyed.
Oakmoor has made false claims in previous applications also, and are looking to make a quick financial gain with little regard for the residents of Sharmans cross road.
There are not enough playing fields and the greenery at the rear should remain, this is what makes Solihull what it is.
I strongly object to the fields being developed for housing. This area should become green belt land to avoid developers that are just interested in making quick profits to stay away.
Kind regards