
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3756

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Mr M A Bardsley

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection.

Out of character with area. High density proposal.
Affordable housing development is likely to exceed 2 storeys.
Will provide minimal garden space.
Unlikely to provide adequate parking, will exacerbate existing parking issues.
Loss of 75 spaces at Arden Club is unacceptable.
Existing drainage issues during heavy rain.
Development will increase hard surfacing.
Oversubscribed schools and medical centres.
Will create hazards for cyclists on designated cycle route.
Not comply with NPPF accessibility criteria.
Land should be safeguarded for sporting use as per freehold.

Increase in traffic and pollution.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to object to the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road on the following basis:-
The development is unsuitable as it is a high density proposal out of character with the rest of the neighbourhood. The surrounding area does not include any buildings more than 2 stories high and the development of 50 affordable homes by a housing association or other similar developer is highly likely to exceed 2 stories and be completely out of character in the area. The proposal will minimize garden space or exclude gardens altogether to individual properties which are completely out of character for the area known for its larger gardens, green spaces and wildlife.
New developments today always underestimate the amount of car parking required on new home developments. One space per house or affordable home is inadequate in this day and age. The majority of households today use two cars and need visitor parking in addition. The proposed development at this density is unlikely to provide enough parking spaces forcing the overflow into the surrounding roads which will cause congestion and safety problems particularly on Sharmans Cross road which is a bus route, cycle route and has a school nearby. There is a problem with cars parking in the surrounding roads at the moment particularly in Woodside Way during the day. There will be increased traffic and pollution moving in and out of the area particularly during peak times adding to the current congestion already taking place. The loss of 75 parking spaces at the Arden Club is completely unacceptable affecting safety and further congestion and will cause chaos on match days with supporters parking anywhere to the detriment of the existing householders.

Drainage is a problem on Sharmans Cross Road at the moment during heavy rain and the proposed development will exasperate the current problem because there will be less green space to absorb rain and flood water.

The current amenities for schools and medical centres are oversubscribed and this development will lead to additional demand which cannot be met without increased financial resources which are unlikely to be met in the current financial climate leading to a degradation of the existing services, for example even longer waits to get a G.P. appointment.

Sharmans Cross Road is a designated cycle route and the increased traffic will create additional hazards for those cyclists. Schools use this area for cycling proficiency training for young schoolchildren and the increase in traffic will prove an increased danger to these youngsters.

I believe the National Planning Policy Framework states that developments have to have access to local amenities within 800 metres. This requirement has not being met and therefore the development cannot be justified on this criterion alone.

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council had previously confirmed that land would be used for sport and the council would not sell the freehold title and minuted this policy decision in 2013. This development is contrary to that policy and it is therefore inappropriate to include it in the Local Development Plan.