
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3759

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Michael Wylde

Representation Summary:

Object to level of new housing in Balsall Common as will turn it into town, there are no plans to manage increased traffic, road network public transport and parking insufficient for expansion, centre cannot be expanded yet houses proposed close to centre, there are better sites for development which would minimise impact such as Oakes Farm and north of the village, and to Site 1 as will develop remaining green belt east of village which is used for recreational purposes.

Full text:

Barratt's Lane Planning Application, Balsall Common

I am not the type of person who complains or moans, but I feel compelled to write to you to raise my concerns over the development of 800 houses on the Barratt's Farm site. This development will mean little or no green belt left on the east side of Balsall Common. These fields are used by both dog walkers and ramblers with public rights of way.

The current population of the village is approximately 8000. The proposed 1250 houses being built will turn Balsall Common from a rural village into a town. However, I see no plans proposed to cope with the increased traffic and increased footfall. The centre of the village is chaotic at times. The road network and public transport is insufficient to support a 5000 increase in population and 2000 extra vehicles. There is no proposed infrastructure in these plans.

Due to the centre of the village being surrounded by residents it cannot be expanded to absorb the extra demand, so why are more houses being built so close to the small centre of the village?

I recognise the Government pressure to build more new homes. However, there are better sites to build houses in this area, which will minimise the impact on the community of Balsall Common. Oakes farm on Balsall Street and the large green areas north of the village on the A452 could accommodate new builds with little or no impact to the community. I understand Oakes farm has been approached by Spitfire homes to develop houses on this site.

I urge the planning department of Solihull Borough Council to strongly consider the consequences of the current proposed plans and review viable alternatives. The current proposals may lead to a catastrophic outcome.