
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3787

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Ajay Farmah

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as will exacerbate traffic congestion at junction with Streetsbrook Road, put further strain on already stretched schools and medical services, be a serious misuse of intention to retain sporting facility which should be of benefit to younger generation and to promote activity, and development better suited to brownfield sites.

Full text:

Proposed plan to build 100 homes on Sharmans Cross road
I am writing in objection to the proposed plan to build houses on Sharmans Cross road in Solihull. My home is on Beechwood park road so is very close to an already heavily congested cross junction that links all the roads via streetsbrook road. At present the level of traffic is vast and surely building more homes will only increase this level.

Also increased population will put further strain on already stretched public services such as schools and doctors surgeries.

I strongly feel that building on a sporting facility is a serious misuse of the intention the land was set out for. We should be using the land to help aid the younger generation and promote sporting activities and feel a housing development would be better suited to brownfield sites rather than using and destroying the character of the local neighbourhood in and around shamans Cross road.

I hope my views can be looked at as a rational set of objections and not just because this is happening so close to my home although that in turn will mean a knock on effect to all neighbouring roads.

Kind Regards,