
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3795

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs E Thompson O'Dowd

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as will result in loss of well used natural green countryside area which was major attraction for moving to Shirley, thousands more houses will compound already severe congestion on A34 and other arterial routes, and could lead to decrease in quality of education as extra families stretch resources.

Full text:

Allocation 13 and Allocation 4

To whom it may concern,
I am writing to register my objection to the loss of allocation 13 to residential use.
I live on Falstaff Road in Shirley and within a few minutes of leaving my house, my family and I can be in green countryside. It is a very well used natural environment, that provides a much welcomed break from the urban environment.
I moved from one part of Solihull to Shirley 3 years ago and the ability to be in the countryside within a few minutes was key to our decision to move to Shirley. I regularly use this area for running, walking with family and in particular taking my 4 year old daughter out to learn about nature and wildlife. I can honestly say that the inability to access this green space would have changed our decision to move to this part of Shirley.
The Shirley area is already subject to a huge amount of congestion which affects the whole of the Stratford Road from the M42 junction and all arterial routes. The addition of thousands on new homes in such a small area will compound congestion.
My concern as a parent is the impact on local schools. My daughter attends the infant school within this area and she is already in a class of 30 children. The influx of more families could lead to a decrease in the quality of education being provided due to the stretch in resources.

I am also writing to register my objection to the loss of allocation 4 to residential use. I know this area well due to family being located in neighbouring Major's Green. I would be extremely concerned about the impact on local roads which are already very congested.
In addition, there is a large number of sports clubs and facilities currently in allocation 4. Sport clubs are community hubs which play an important role in both adult and children's physical and mental well-being. To lose such a large cluster of sports clubs would impact on the physical and mental well being of the residents in the local community. To transition people to other sports clubs is not a successful option due to the high rate of drop in participation when change occurs.
Yours Sincerely