
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3802

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Bob Grainger

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 18 as need to protect sports fields and open spaces in the same way we need to protect the green belt, urban intensification has to have proper infrastructure including schools, medical services, transport and roads, and development will change character and social demographics of the area. Absurd that houses nearby are being enlarged then infill taking place with smaller houses.

Full text:

Planning Sharmans Cross Rd
LDP ProposedHousing Allocation 18
We say No
Yes appreciate need for housing in right place!
We need to protect sports fields and open spaces in the same way we need to protect the green belt
'In building ' in Solihull has to be right with proper resource- schools- Dr surgeries- transport road network etc.
The small space proposed will change the shape of the area enormously and have a most negative effect on the social demographics of Solihull. Its seems absurd that houses along Streetsbrook rd are being enlarged loosing character and then pockets of land are exposed to smaller housing - lets get the balance right in the area