
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3816

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Lee Garfield

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 as local medical, school, emergency services and highway infrastructure already at capacity and increased provision essential, will impact detrimentally on local residents through loss of green belt, wildlife habitats and sports/recreational facilities, and should not be seeking to cram maximum number of houses into area most of which will be unaffordable by first time buyers or young families.

Full text:

Allocation 13
I don't have the time to give you any additional reasons or compile a lengthy email than that you will have already received from hundreds of Shirley residents but I simply cannot believe that the plans for the new houses does not as far as I can see take into account the already at capacity public services in the Shirley area; Doctors waiting times!!
School places!!
Police and fire response!!
Etc etc...
This is without mentioning the massive detrimental affect this will have on local residents in both the short and long term due to loss of greenbelt, habitat for local wildlife and the sports fields these houses will permanently destroy.
This is simply a case of money talks and a lack of forethought by planning and council staff.
Your paid to do a job which should In my opinion not detrimentally affect local residents but enrich our area and facilities. This plan is about cramming the maximum amount of houses (most of which will be out of reach financially to any first time buyer or young family) into a rural area which cannot support them.

I'm not naive enough to think that even with 100,000 objections this plan won't go ahead but if you build the proposed plan without increasing capacity at local schools, hospitals, police and fire services etc etc then it shows how out of touch you are with the demand for such services already within the borough.