
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3823

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Janis Hartles

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of green land away from roads used by adults and children for recreation, loss of wildlife habitats, increase in traffic exacerbating already high volume of congestion which will create gridlock, increase in pollution, and impact on schools and medical services already at capacity.

Full text:

Objection to allocation 13

I lived in Baxters road for 22 years, moved away and returned to sandfield close after 9 years so my son could have a better child hood and experience the way of life I had growing up.
As a resident of sandfield close I object to the proposal of building 600 homes on the green belt land to the rear of my property.
The green land is a fantastic place for playing and picnics for the children. With education for children without them realising with regards to the wildlife. Cookoos, woodpeckers, owls, bats, toads, voles, field mouse and the list goes on.
The park that was available was removed, it would be devastating for the comunity to loose the green land. As it stands the children can play without worrying about roads and cars. Congestion has increased to a high volume now and would be gridlocked if houses where to be built on allocation 13. Pollution would increase and nature destroyed. It would make detrimental impact on schools and doctors, which are already pushed to there limits. I strongly object to this, as in years to come the next generations will not have the wonderful experiences that we had to the green lands.