
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3833

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Hayley Marie Beck

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 13 due to loss of green belt land and beautiful green space used by adults and children for recreation and benefits of better life, loss on wildlife habitats, impact on local economy through overstretching of schools and medical services, and impact on road infrastructure which would cause major congestion and gridlock.

Full text:

Allocation 13 objection

I as a resident of sandfield close,shirley,solihull I strongly object to the proposal of building the additional 600 home on the green belt land to the rear of my property. (allocation 13) This beautiful peace of land is not only homes to the many animals that live in it,but it's a piece of land that's loved by many people of all ages and from all walks of life,eg..children,dog walkers,horse riders..etc.
To build on this land in my opinion would be disastrous not only for the current residents and the people who currently use this land but on the general economy of the area as the schools,doctors would be overstretched much more than what they are already,there would be serious consequences for the roads in and around the area as it would cause major congestion which ultimately would cause gridlock.
I moved here in May 2014 to try and give my children a better life..with the added bonus of the fields to the rear of my property which would ultimately give them the outside life that they could benefit and grow from,where I knew they would be safe to have a good childhood and not cause nuisance to any other persons in the process.
I do hope that there will be a reconsideration of these plans before it's too late.