
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3898

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Andy & Rachel Bennett

Representation Summary:

Agree housing is needed.
2550 homes is disproportionate south of Shirley.
Contrary to DLP spatial strategy and policies.
Fails to take account of infrastructure impacts.
Health services under pressure.
Existing high levels of congestion.
Resident views not considered.
Visual impact not been assessed.
Loss of Green Belt.
Loss of open space for recreation and health and wellbeing.
Loss of wildlife.
Partial flooding on site.
Would not serve HS2 as too far.
Impact on local community.
Sans Souci should be retained for educational use.
Government has made repeated commitments to Green Belt, e.g. Housing White Paper.
Reconsider brownfield sites.

Full text:

see letter - Objection to Solihull Draft Local Plan Review- Particularly Area 13.