
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3905

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Parminder Badial

Representation Summary:

Housing Site 1 is a more considered and sensible option than others in Balsall Common due to proximity to station, distribution of traffic through the village and accessibility to Coventry/Tile Hill, but do not support bypass as details unclear, primary school should be adequate providing just serve needs of village, and there are sufficient sports and recreation grounds, and new housing needs to be supported by plans for medical services, shops and bus services.

Full text:

To Whom it may concern:

As a resident of Balsall common for nearly 9 year I would like to respond to the Solihull Draft Land plan.

1) Bypass: I do not support the bypass as I do not believe the details of the proposed bypass are very detailed or clear enough.

2) Primary School: The current primary school serves the residents of balsall common fine - the issue with the primary school is that it has over the years widened its catchment too far out and this has resulted n the school now feeling its out grown its current site. If the school and its governors severed the local residents of balsall this would not be an issue.

3) The sports and recreational grounds: Again in balsall common these are sufficient and cater for all ages and areas of the village. The issue arises when SMBC plan to dispose of the recreational ground on Holly's Lane/Frog Lane for housing development. This area is used for weekly football, daily dog walkers and other locals and would be a loss to this side of the village if it was to be disposed of. I support us keeping Holly Lane recreational ground as part of our green belt and as important free land for residents.

I believe that all towns and villages have to review their housing as SMBC has put a case forward. However this should not be at the detriment of green belt land. Balsall common has had its green belt reduced recently with JLR extending their area towards Holly Lane. Further housing on Frog Lane would only increase the traffic flow at this end of the village. I object to this housing as it would again further erode the green belt at this side of the village and reduce the recreational facilities for residents on this side of the village.

The proposal towards Berkswell train station (Barretts Farm) is a more considered and sensiable option. It is close to the train station meaning residents could walk/bike/bus to the station. Thus reducing traffic with the use of more cars in the village. It would allow a fairer distribution of traffic through out the village. I understand that currently much of the traffic comes from coventry/tile hill through balsall street east, baslall street and kenilworth road. With increase traffic flow for these exiting rads once the JLR site opens this would strangle this part of the village.

I totally support keeping baslall street east and balsall street as the southern defensible boundary of balsall common.

With all the new developments within the balsall parish - how can the local amenities cope? Where are the plans for how new residents and hosing will be served by the doctors, shops, buses?