
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3909

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Christopher McDermott

Representation Summary:

Proposal should incorporate significantly improved leisure facilities to reduce need for existing and new residents to travel, including swimming pool, gym, all weather pitches, squash courts and space for community/club activities, additional facilities for existing clubs, improved rights of access to maintain leisure walking routes, and use of HS2 buffer for enhanced facilities, additional school places for Catholic children as St George and St Teresa school oversubscribed and bus service threatened, and improved accessibility by increasing train and station parking capacity, and improving parking in Station Road.

Full text:

Update to the below:

I learned on Saturday 18th February that the council plans to cease the bus service from Balsall Common to St George and St Teresa.

I therefore think it is critical that the council provides a catholic school in Balsall Common as part of the housing plan and given the size of the proposed final population.


Chris McDermott

Dear Sir/Madam,
I write regarding the consultation on the housing plan and have some feedback that I would like to be captured. Broadly the document seems sensible and the council is taking the necessary steps to make some difficult decisions. Personally I do not look forward to the additional houses but accept that we probably have little choice.
My main concerns are around how we maintain the standard of living of existing residents as these houses go in and also how we capitalise on the opportunity to improve areas because of the potential investment opportunity that is afforded by the introduction of these homes.
To this end I have some specific comments about the proposed developments in Balsall Common that I would like to be captured so that they become "hard wired" into the plan. I think that is the really important bit...if the houses are to be introduced then there must be a commitment to improve a number of aspects of the village. I do not believe it is satisfactory for this to be an independent process as the Council Vision will not be achieved unless due consideration is given at the start to the true impacts of the proposed changes.
My main focus for ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to be healthier, happier, safer and prosperous, including those that live in the affected areas are providing Leisure facilities, schooling, preventing unnecessary road journeys and ensuring safe access.
Specifically about the Balsall Common proposals I have the following comments:
Leisure Facilities
I think the most important aspect of any scheme to build houses in Balsall Common is the inclusion of some significantly improved leisure facilities. Looking at my own family the number of times we make journeys to access leisure facilities in Coventry and Solihull is ridiculous. Adding those homes will only lead to more unnecessary journeys that could be prevented if facilities are built within the village to include a swimming pool, gym, outdoor Astroturf five a side football pitches, squash courts etc. This facility could also provide some appropriate community space for other activities/clubs too.
I am also nervous about existing facilities/clubs and their ability to welcome new members. The rugby club, football club and cricket club for example all have limited facilities and so I think it is important that some money from the developments are made available to these clubs to build additional facilities. The Balsall and Berkswell rugby club has terrible facilities and so a modest investment in additional changing facilities would mean new families could be welcomed without the need for them to make additional journeys to other places to play their sport.
Finally on the leisure front I'm concerned, particularly in the development near the station, that a number of leisure walking routes will be spoiled. I'd like consideration to be given for rights of access in the adjoining fields so that appropriate family walking can be maintained within the green belt with a number of circular routes still available. I believe the landowner who has made their land available for sale also owns some of this other land. It therefore follows that providing access on some of this other property could be a condition of sale. There is also an opportunity in the HS2 "dead zone" (where I understand houses are not permitted within 30m of the new track) to be inventive and create enhanced leisure facilities. As an example this space could be developed into a mountain bike circuit for local people to enjoy.
Clearly I support all the proposed ideas that I've heard that would ensure good pedestrian and bicycle access within the new housing developments.
My children attend St George and ST Teresa school as it is the closest faith school. I know that this school is oversubscribed and I think as part of the plans the educational needs of catholic children in the borough need to be considered. I would strongly advocate the provision of more catholic school places either in Balsall Common or Knowle as part of the housing plan.
One of the reasons I really like living in the village is the great access currently afforded via the railway. I've seen in some of the prospectuses that people living in the new houses will be expected to complete a number of their journeys by rail. I fully support this plan...although it does need to be flagged that the three main Birmingham bound services in the morning from Berkswell (0717, 0742, 0821) are already full and standing most days and on a number of occasions have left people on the platform. Similarly southbound the 0753 and 0811 are often very busy. I would like to see plans for expanding capacity on this route in order to support the additional patronage that is being heralded within the new homes plan.
It should also be noted that station parking is inadequate and so more space will be required to park as part of the plans.
Road - mitigation required of existing risk
At the moment there are two major risk points for me in the village. These are station road (outside Tesco) and meeting house lane.
Station Road
I attended a recent planning road show for the proposed developments and was concerned to learn that without a relief road the 800 homes proposed near the station will have no southbound access directly off the site onto Kelsey Lane. Instead anyone wishing to travel south will look to use station road and drive past the Tesco store. This area is heavily congested already and getting in and out of parking spaces is very difficult. I would therefore like to see some mitigation of this risk in the plan. This could be achieved via providing a relief road to the south or through the use of a one way system, diagonal parking with additional roundabout or some other method of easing this bottle neck. I do not think it would be safe or satisfactory to build the 800 homes on that site without a clear method to ensure that southbound traffic does not make the station road congestion worse.
Meeting House road.
This road is extremely treacherous for pedestrians. There is very little space for two cars to pass at the same time. The parts of the road that have a pavement are dangerous because the pavement is narrow, there are overhanging trees and bushes and when two cars pass the wing mirrors of one car overhang the pavement. The remaining section is dangerous as there is no pavement! For this reason I'd be nervous if any of the new development had direct (or indirect) access onto this road without significant improvements to protect pedestrians.