
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3923

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Elaine Nicholls

Representation Summary:

Object to housing Site 1 as access point to Meeting House Lane is narrow and would present hazard during house building and should include 113 Meeting House Lane as well.

Full text:

Housing Developments for Balsall Common - Meeting House Lane
Having struggled to access your website to provide feedback on the planned development in Balsall Common, I am now committing my feedback in this email. I have recently received a leaflet through my post box, indicating plans to develop the Barretts Farm to accommodate up to 800 houses in Balsall Common.

The leaflet indicates an access point to the left or right of my property i.e. 111 or 115 Meeting House Lane. In the event that the developer gains approval to build the houses on the site of Barretts Farm, then I believe 113 should be included. The access point from Meeting House Lane is narrow under normal traffic and would most certainly be difficult to manoeuvre when taking into account the large vehicles used when building housing in addition to needing sufficient walk ways for pedestrians . In additions, I suspect that any development will want to minimise potential hazards for home buyers accessing the site to view the show house. As a result, the show house is typically based at the entrance to the site which I believe would be best served by the purchasing of not one but two properties. In this case 111 and 113 or 113 and 115 Meeting House Lane.

I accept that the borough needs more housing but it should not be at a detriment to me. As a result, if the plans are approved, it must be on the basis that 113 is purchased.

Please would you email or write to me, to confirm receipt of my emails as I understand the deadline is today, 17 February 2017.

Best regards