
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3927

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Ian Fisher

Representation Summary:

Whilst recognises need for housing, uncomfortable with total proposed for Knowle and would like to see number of houses reduced, but supportive of 2 allocations that offer significant community benefits, which need to be highlighted to make case, with explanations/proposals for how issues such as increased traffic and parking demands will be managed, and includes some detailed suggestions for traffic, highway and parking improvements.

Full text:

I would like to comment on the Solihull Draft Local Plan.

I commend the authority for the work done and the quality of the reports and evidence. It is heartening to see that the authority is recognising the need to urgently have a plan in place and approved and I welcme the opportunity afforded for feedback.

I do not wish to address the borough wide issues, I will limit my feedback to some constructive criticism and suggestions of the plan as it affects the Knowle, Dorridge and Bentley Heath areas.

I should point out that I am vice chair of the KDBH Neighbourhood forum and on their behalf I have already submitted comments. Those comments do not necessarily accord with my own views but as vice chair I am obliged to reflect residents and member views.

I recognise that the borough as a difficult task and there is great demand for new housing throughout the area.

I am not particularly comfortable with the total magnitude of new housing proposed for KDBH and would like to see that total reduced.

I am, however, supportive of the two allocations proposed for the KDBH area; Hampton Rd and the 'Arden Triangle'. I think you have been brave in recommending them and I do believe that they could offer considerable community benefit.

It is for that reason that I support them.

I do not support the gradual sneaking in of windfall developments and some other smaller sights that offer nothing of community value. Developers and landowners should not profit from the lucky fortune of owning a plot of land in such an area if they cannot demonstrate that as a result of additional homes that they are building they will provide a specific community benefit.

With regard to the two sites as documented in the draft plan, I feel you have missed a trick in not selling those benefits enough. You need to be bold and really make the case if you are to have any chance of swaying public opinion. Recognise the objections and have arguments already in place to shoot them down.

As it stands the proposals are bereft of any significant positive message when you drill down to local issues.

Road and Parking infrastructure.

It is patently obvious that the two sites proposed in Knowle will have a significant direct effect on the level of road traffic and parking demand in Knowle - and indeed Dorridge Station indirectly.

So why is there no positive suggestion as to how you will alleviate those issues? It is no wonder that residents comment on the issue because your plan is effectively silent on the matter.

If the two allocations remain in the next iteration, you need to show that you have a plan. And don't say your plan is to initiate a study - your plan needs to be specific about what improvements will be made.

It might be argued that the levels of congestion suffered in KDBH are insignificant in comparison with other areas but they are real to residents and a high handed approach where they are ignored does not reflect well on a council that would I am sure like to be regarded as be more customer focussed.

I have some suggestions and you are free to lift them.

The problems of congestion, generally arise because traffic cannot keep moving due to:-
* Cars parked such that there is insufficient room for traffic in both directions and one lane has to wait
* Cars, delivery vehicles or utility vehicles temporarily stopped such that there is insufficient room for traffic in both directions and one lane has to wait
* Traffic attempting to turn across the oncoming traffic such that they have to wait for a gap and thus the vehicles following are held up
* Traffic wish to join another road where they have to wait for a gap in traffic, potentially in both directions if they wish to turn right.
* Pedestrians crossing - even at designated points.
* There may be other reasons
My suggestions are along these lines:-
* For the Knowle village centre, implement a one way system with the High Street, Station road (between Warwick road and lodge Road) and Lodge road each becoming one way.
* The Junction of Lodge road, High street and Hampton road could be improved by widening the left lane from Lodge road to the A4141 so that traffic has a smooth exit to the north.
* It might be appropriate to change the right of way for southbound traffic on the A4141 to allow traffic from lodge road going up the high street or across to Hampton road to keep moving. In peak times it would probably be preferable for any queue to be on the A4141. Traffic lights might also be an alternative. The Knowle society may object but if they are gas fired I am sure they could be swayed.
* Traffic coming from Hampton road would now only be able to turn left but if traffic from the north is filtered by lane markings to the right of the road even that flow could be improved.
* The junction of the High street and Kenilworth road where there is a triangle of roads could also be one way.
* The high street already has adequate parking restrictions
* The section of Station road is probably likewise OK because it is wide.
* Lodge road may need restrictions to allow residents parking only and only on one side where there remains a gap for two vehicles.
* I don't have any particualr suggestions with reagrd to pedestrian crossings other that possbly making them pelican as opposed to zebra to give the traffic a chance.
The above one way scheme would eliminate many of the cases of congestion. Much ofthe above could be implemented with little cost and could be implemented a trial. Anecodal eveidence during road works last year suggest that traffic flow was improved at that time when a temprraly oneway system was in place.

The parking capacity is a more complicated issue but I feel the major problem is the lack of all day parking capacity which results in surrounding roads and even St John's close from being blighted.

Both of the proposed allocations for housing have locations that are close enough to Knowle centre that they could have an area turned over to long stay parking. These are the current sites of Knowle Football club and the Arden Academy.

In the concept master plans, I would urge that either or both of these sites has a portion set aside for long stay parking. This would alleviate the pressure on the village centre where car parking should be limited to residents (who do not have garages or on-site parking) and short term parking i.e shoppers.

A further traficsuggestion that might be more controversial concerns the Hampton road site. This is going to put pressure on that junction between Hampton road and the High Street and as a result residents will soon identify Arden Vale road as a short cut. This will make the exit from that to the A4141 dangerous so why not cut to the chase and have Arden Vale Road connect to the roundabout at Wychwood Avenue and the A4141.

Lastly, can you bang together those that mange the car parks at Dorridge station such that there is a consistent pricing policy that
* deters people from parking there all week
* favours those who use the trains daily
* Deters people from parking on the surrounding streets and blocking bus routes
* Allows for investment in the capacity - potentially a multi-storey for the car park behind Sainsburys petrol station
As I mentioned above, the two allocations proposed will have an indirect impact on parking demand at Dorridge station it would be helpful if CIL funds could be directed towards a multi-storey car park there.

Hope you find the above useful - I have tried to be constructive and positive but if you think I am in the Victor Meldrew camp let me know and I will try to amend my tone.

Best Regards and good luck with the next phase