
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3938

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs J A Edwards

Representation Summary:

objection for the reasons:
-number of houses being proposed on the above site is not realistic
-will have an adverse effect on the character of the surrounding neighbourhood
-development will result in many trees being destroyed, and impact on wildlife
-increase in traffic which will result, having a serious effect on the safety of the roads and the increase in pollution levels

Full text:


I am writing to voice my concerns regarding the proposed development of 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road in Solihull.
I live close to the vicinity of this proposed site, and have done so all my life. I am concerned that the number of houses being proposed on the above site is not realistic and will have an adverse effect on the character of the surrounding neighbourhood, especially as I understand that half of the proposed news homes will be housing association houses.
In addition, my property backs on to the playing fields at Sharmans Cross Junior School. This is a lovely area, with several mature trees, especially oak trees, and obviously this proposed development will result in many of these trees being destroyed, which will have a knock on effect to the local wildlife for example the bats, badgers and owls which are known to frequent the area.
Obviously a further effect will be the inevitable increase in traffic which will result, having a serious effect on the safety of the roads and the increase in pollution levels.
I trust that my concerns will be noted, and I sincerely hope that this proposal will NOT be given the go head.