
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3988

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mary Webster

Representation Summary:

- live in Dickens Heath and at one time it was a village but, there are so many houses/apartments now it's more like a town. We only have one school, a small Tesco store, no post office. I just find it ludicrous that there are even more houses going up.

Full text:

Re: Allcation 13
Dear sir/ madam,
I am writing to object the above going forward.
Solihull is a lovely place to live and work for some of us but, this is ludicrous to build more houses. Unless that is you are going to supply more jobs for the people wanting to buy.
We live in Dickens Heath and at one time it was a village but, there are so many houses/apartments now it's more like a town. We only have one school, a small Tesco store, no post office. I just find it ludicrous that there are even more houses going up.
Please, please think about what you are doing and leave us at least some green belt for the children that are growing up here.

Kinda Regards