
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 3992

Received: 13/02/2017

Respondent: Marie Kilgallen

Representation Summary:

The proposals for South Shirley will require new schools and medical facilities and will impact on recreation areas.

Full text:

Views on Allocation 13

These are my objections and comments on Allocation 13. I am writing to register my formal objection to Allocation 13.
- The area is currently semi-rural. Building on Allocation 13 as well as the other proposed locations will make Shirley an urban area of sprawling housing.
- Under the government white paper "Fixing our broken housing market" it states that "
Green Belt boundaries should be amended only in exceptional circumstances when local authorities can demonstrate that they have fully examined all other reasonable options for meeting their identified housing requirements". The Council have not explored all other options and have not considered all options across the Solihull borough.
- Traffic along the A34 is already problematic and this will only become worse. I live on Burman Road and that road together with surrounding roads will become busier and more congested.
- The addition of housing in Allocation 13 together with the other proposed areas totals in excess of 2000. Assuming that families are the main occupants there may be at least an additional 2000 children - where are the proposals for the new primary schools that would be required as well as at least one secondary school? There will also need to be more medical facilities.
- Allocation 13 is a popular recreation and amenity area and is an area of environmental importance and benefit. There will also be an impact on recreation areas.
Before developing greenfield sites, it is necessary to prove that all options have been explored - what about development on sites surrounding Birmingham airport, close to the HS2 link or spreading the housing provision across Solihull rather than impact in one defined area.
Please bear these valid points points when making your final decision.