
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 402

Received: 23/01/2017

Respondent: Mrs Ashley Wilson

Representation Summary:

objection to the development of housing on site 13.

Full text:

Objection - Solihull Draft Plan - Allocation 13
I wish to lodge my objection reference the Solihull MBC draft plan and in particular allocation 13. The scale of the land currently included will ruin the local area on many fronts. The area will not cope with an additional 600 dwellings, it barely functions now.

There are insufficient school places to date and there does not appear to be any local school that is going to be able to expand to take more pupils. Tidbury Green Primary is too far for parents to walk, no footpaths. Dickens Heath Primary is also too far and restricted for further expansion due to the current site. Woodlands Infant is also surrounded by current housing and I fail to see how that school will expand. Cheswick Green Primary already has its own housing developments to cope with. I can only see that a new build school is the answer and where is that going to go?

Local roads are already dangerous, Bills Lane is an accident black spot with cars regularly coming off the road. We have also had a local man killed on this particular road within the last 2 years, the current traffic calming does not work. I am already concerned about getting out of my road and onto Bills Lane everyday. How is more traffic from more houses going to help this. Tanworth Lane also appears no better with traffic speeding out of Dickens Heath, again roads already dangerous and overloaded with vehicles.

The site entrance and exit, I would like further details of where this is planned. there does not appear to be any safe site for this. I would like details of what the plan is and how you are going to improve an already traffic congested area.

Wildlife in the area will be decimated if this plan goes ahead. There are a number of different owls and other birds that live on this land. The hedgerows are well established and are home to many other local types of wildlife. I fail to see how this can just be allowed to be destroyed for new homes. You cannot just keep taking parts of Green belt, there will be nothing left by the time my children have families of there own.

We are already waiting for weeks to get a GP appointment at our local surgery. We do not have a fully functioning Accident & Emergency, what we have is already struggling with people volume.

This draft is not put forward with any proper planning, it is all just reaction to housing pressure. Solihull MBC should be fighting the Government on our behalf against this pressure.

Please ensure my objection is put forward in response to your draft plan.