
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4025

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Elizabeth Padgett

Representation Summary:

Site 4 Objection on the grounds that:
- traffic is already dire
- Green belt land and wildlife are more important to people than houses which they cannot afford
- Traffic pollution is not good for anyone's health or safety

Full text:

i wish to object to the proposed buildings of 41% share of houses in Shirley Solihull. As I live on Marshall Lake Road and the traffic is already dire,the thought of so much more traffic and congestion around this area is ridiculous. Green belt land and wildlife are more important to people than houses which they cannot afford I feel. Traffic pollution is not good for anyone's health or safety, whereas open spaces and fields,peace and quiet,bridal paths,dog walking areas,canals and rippling streams are most beneficial to health and well being.