
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4032

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Emma Hayward

Representation Summary:

Existing traffic issues, particularly at peak times.
Been several collisions on raod.
100 extra homes and 200+ cars will be intolerable.
Existing flooding issues, and high water table. E.g have drowned trees in our garden (see attached pictures).
Loss of green space for recreation and children's play.
Proposed developmen will spoil character of the area.
Will devalue our property.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I live directly opposite the exit road from the tennis club as it currently stands today.

The proposed development will affect me and my family for the following reasons.

We already have a huge amount of traffic on the Sharmans Cross Road peaking in the morning, evening and the school run. At times the queues trying to get onto the Streetsbrook Road of a morning continue as far down as the Sharmans Cross Pub which have a knock on effect with the adjoining roads Prospect Lane and Solihull Road.
As well as the above we have the additional flow (directly opposite) from us too from the tennis club exit.
When leaving our drive we need to be aware of traffic coming from three different directions and at times this has caused several collisions already with myself and visitors and generally adding stress to every journey.
Of an evening the headlights from the tennis club shine directly into our living room which is frustrating and as a family we have had to amend our behaviours to work around this. Finally our drive is also used by other drivers to turn around due to the constant queues this again will no doubt increase going forward.
To add an extra 100 homes with a minimum of 2 cars per house will make the situation intolerable. I think due to our location this development in particular will affect us the most and for sure devalue our home.

Nearly all of our trees have drowned in our garden due to the flooding. Please see attached image no 1 & 2 where we had to pay to have them removed due to them being dangerous. If we continue to build this will no doubt have an affect on existing trees in this area.

We have already had to invest considerably in our garden and home due to an existing high water table. I have attached some photographs (images 3 - 5) these show the three French drains and when the weather is poor we still suffer with flooding despite this investment. It is clear there is an issue around this area with flooding so again if you are to build on this green space there will be nowhere for the surplus water to go.

Green Space
I walk my dogs regularly and my child and his friends use the facilities to play. I believe (even more so) that we need to preserve our sports facilities and protect all green space which is left in Solihull. We already have issues with obesity in this country whilst we continue to take away playing areas this will continue to grow.

The proposed development will also spoil the overall look and feel of where we live and why we invested in moving to this location in the first place. Overall I believe this will also devalue our property which we have worked hard to invest in.

All of the above confirms that it is not in our interest for this development to go ahead. It will have a massive impact on how we currently live and use the area today.