
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4039

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Simons

Representation Summary:

Congestion and Traffic are being given as the main reasons for objecting to development in Shirley.

Full text:

Proposed housing in Shirley

The proposed plans for such a large amount of housing, adding to that already in Dickens Heath and the further traffic congestion this would bring to the area is, in my opinion, totally short sighted. My objections are:

* The congestion on the Stratford Road up to the motorway connection is already very bad and getting worse especially during commuting times.
* Dog Kennel Lane, by its very name is a lane and the amount of traffic from your proposed building would make it untenable for most journeys as it would be completely jammed.
* The exit from Tanworth Lane onto Blackford Road and Dog Kennel Lane is already a nightmare when people are trying to exit Tanworth Lane as the traffic from Dickens Heath is constant with little leeway to move out of Tanworth Lane. This is already an accident waiting to happen!
* We have had a large amount of retail expansion in this area over the past few years. The Sears Retail Park, plus the stores on the Stratford Road bordering the island at Stratford Road/Blackford Road and Marshall Lake Road, make it very difficult and we are virtual prisoners in our homes as the Stratford Road is grid locked as is Marshall Lake Road and Blossomfield Road, virtually all the way into Solihull.
* I firmly believe we have 'done our bit' for the area with all the above and would like my objections recognised.
* Surely it would be much safer and more manageable for the housing to be built at Catherine de Barnes where there is more room and less problems with the amount of traffic these builds would generate.
* I feel this proposal would have far reaching negative implications in that many people would not travel to this area as it would be a travel bottle neck and be avoided being detrimental to the NEC and surrounding businesses.