
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4083

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: Katrina & John Parkin

Representation Summary:

Support new development if there is also a new Arden Academy school built, as would be of great value to the local community in many ways, subject to less than 500 houses and assurances that new development close to existing properties will avoid overlooking.

Full text:

see Arden Academy Questionnaire and email comment
Knowle Ref Site 9 South of Knowle

I would be in favour of houses being built if there is also a new Arden Academy school built, as I think this would be of great value to the local community in many ways.

I live very close to the current school site- on the turning circle of Milverton Road- and my main reservations are the concentration of buildings (and their height) packed into the Arden school footprint, the proximity of the new homes to current residents' gardens, and the maintenance of a cul-de-sac rather than a through road in Milverton.

It would be a mark of respect for the current residents, many longstanding of over 45 years, if the planning department could somehow incorporate a clause in the design of the new houses to be built so they do not overlook the gardens/ houses of adjacent neighbours, given that there will be so much land to be innovative with in the design.

I would also expect consideration of another GP surgery due to the numbers of extra patients, and as a local GP myself I know that the GP services are already straining under the load, particularly given the ageing population.

I would also like safe cycle routes to the new school incorporated, and maintenance of the MIND garden, possibly with local social prescribing as an option (particularly related to gardening- allotments are currently a 2-3 year wait- could there be any new ways of utilising space which might otherwise be poor building land? Could parts of allotments be sub-let to people keen to get involved who have little other opportunity?)