
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4107

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Daniel Gallagher

Representation Summary:


Full text:

I am writing to object to the above plan in line with the objections put forward by the KDBH Forum. I agree with their concerns and this email is to confirm that.
I consider the size and scale and massing of the proposed developments in Knowle to be too big and not without full consideration of the wider impact on both the greenbelt landscape and highways. It appears this is all being driven by the need for a new school which actually will only provide a better facility but no extra spaces when there are over a 1,000 new homes proposed. Included within this are no extra infrastructure provisions such as doctors surgery, primary schools etc. It also doesn't appear to have been economically tested as to whether the school is financially viable from a cost perspective and whether the proposed new benefits outweigh the harm of the damage to the greenbelt and the much wider impact of highways and pollution. There appears to be no technical back up on highways or greenbelt assessment grounds to back up the proposed allocations so don't see how the proposed sites can be put forward technically and from a wider planning point of view.
KDBH surveys have also indicated that residents would much rather see a smaller number of houses and a more dispersed approach to their concentration. This new plan completely ignores this and flies in the face of the proposed local planning agenda that central government are championing. The current government guidelines propose expansion around key growth corridors and areas which promote brown field development on a sustainable basis. Both proposal in Knowle are not in line with either and given their position and proximity to both public transport and other relevant infrastructure such as shops, doctors etc will only promote more car traffic and pollution.
Please acknowledge receipt of this objection.
Kind Regards