
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4120

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Julie Appleton

Representation Summary:

Site 18 Objection due to:
- a loss of sporting facilities for young people,
- increase in traffic and congestion on the roads, as well as in creased pressure on the rail services from Solihull station
- pressure on existing road, parking on the street and doctors and schools infrastructure,
- flooding already happens in the area

Full text:

Subject ; LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in connection with the above proposed housing application. I have lived at my current address for in excess of 20 years where my husband and I brought up our two daughters. Both girls went to Sharmans Cross Junior School so I speak with some knowledge and experience of the area that will be affected by the proposed development.
I am also a qualified netball coach, coaching young girls from within the borough. My youngest daughter is an excellent young sportswoman representing Warwickshire County at tennis, having been coached at Arden Tennis club and then being selected onto the England netball programme. I find it disappointing that as a coach I have to travel outside the borough to coach girls from within the borough. I coach at Moseley school. We are missing an opportunity to develop and support young people in a sporting environment. I am also aware that there is a great shortage of football pitches for young teams, boys and girls to practise and play matches on. The existing rugby pitch would appear to me to be an ideal area for development to assist in the promotion and development of the young boys, girls, men and women in and around Solihull.
I understand that in 2013 SMBC formally minuted its policy with regards to the use of the grounds only for sport and that they would not sell the freehold. I hope that SMBC remains true to its policy and does not concede to pressure from developers who are looking at this proposal as a commercial benefit. We owe it to the residents of Solihull borough to protect such areas for sporting purposes. Once an area is built on we will never be in a position to re-claim the land.
I understand the need for development of more houses within the borough and see that Dickens Heath continues to grow, however the proposed site is bang in the middle of an already very busy residential area. Traffic along Sharmans Cross Road is often grid locked, particularly at peak commuting times. The idea of additional traffic resulting from the proposed plan seems ludicrous to me and raises concerns regarding safety. There are already a large number of young children walking along Sharmans Cross Road and adjoining roads. Parking for parents and local residents at specific times of the day is very difficult and additional vehicles will only add to this problem. I think there must be sites better suited, which would present less of a risk to the young boys and girls who would be affected should the proposal go ahead.
In addition to the traffic problems I have concerns that local schools and nurseries would not be in a position to accommodate additional children, and local Dr's surgeries are already stretched, it often takes my family up to two weeks to get a routine appointment with our GP. Additional families can only increase the pressure on already stretched services.
As stated I have lived in Winterbourne Road for in excess of 20 years and I commute into Birmingham on a regular basis via the rail network. Solihull train station is very busy, if you travel at peak times it is difficult to get a seat, additional houses within close proximity of the train station will increase the already over-stretched services.
My garden is prone to flood on a fairly frequent basis and I am concerned that additional housing may contribute to the situation worsening?
Again I reiterate that I understand the need for additional housing, frequently witnessing homeless people on the streets in Birmingham but I do question if the proposed site is the right location and I do not say this for selfish reasons, I say it as a concerned resident of Solihull who wants to ensure that the services that SMBC provide remain adequate for the residents of the borough.