
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4130

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: John R Isaac

Representation Summary:

The proposed development in on a scale wholly inappropriate to and out of character with the surrounding housing. It was cause a destruction of the character of the area and result in unacceptable noise pollution.
Will also lead to flooding of existing properties.

Full text:

Dear Sir or madam
I would like to object to this planning application to build 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road.
Please see attached letter
Policy and Spatial Planning
Solihull Council
Re: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir or madam
I would like to object to this planning application to build 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road

Years ago when a planning application was made I objected on a number of grounds and continue to do so.
I live on Welcombe Grove which has included in its geography, brooks and streams before urban development. My gardens is prone to ponding. Using a soil moisture sensor , I have data that the garden is far wetter than average. Any further urban development in the area will likely cause actual flooding in my garden. The council will have to bear direct responsibility for any flooding if the building in the application goes ahead.
Pow Grove , an ancient and protected Coppice, bordering the proposed building area is already under threat. Any urban development will likely destroy this valuable treasure because of increased human traffic, and water logging.

The proposed development in on a scale wholly inappropriate to and out of character with the surrounding housing. It was cause a destruction of the character of the area and result in unacceptable noise pollution.