
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 4134

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Dr Nadya Polunin

Representation Summary:

- will cause intolerable traffic misery and be a danger to pedestrians including the many children who use this route
- development which is out of character with the surroundings will destroy trees and be an eyesore
- increase in of human traffic in the area and noise pollution which will affect the wildlife in the coppice

Full text:

I am objecting to the planning application to the proposed 100 houses in sharmans cross road

please see attached letter

Yours sincerely
Policy and Spatial Planning
Solihull Council
Re: LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Dear Sir or madam
I would like to object to this planning application to build 100 houses on Sharmans Cross Road
The area of central Solihull is already extremely crowded. One only has to travel along Sharmans Cross Road towards Tudor Grange school to experience traffic gridlock which occurs twice a day. A development of this size will cause intolerable traffic misery and be a danger to pedestrians including the many children who use this route.
The schools and medical clinics are currently over subscribed. Increasing the population in this way will put an unsustainable strain on the local GP surgery and schools.
One of the reasons, I choose to live in this area, is the lovely green environment which up to now the council has protected. This development which is out of character with the surroundings will destroy trees and be an eyesore. It is of extreme importance that Pow Grove a medieval coppice be protected from further damage, This development will cause severe decay to this delicate urban treasure by the sheer increase in of human traffic in the area and noise pollution which will affect the wild life extant in the pow grove area .